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Tale Of The Pooka


This passion project was not only very odd to make it also was very odd when finished.

Years ago, when Carney worked at MTV, he made friends with a chap called Nick who was an edit assistant at CTV in St John's Wood. Nick had rather a lot of bad luck and Carney became his short film debuting producer with ‘Pooka’. Nick said, "I need a cave". Carney said,  "I’ve got a cave for you". Cast and crew came up to Buxton and carried a massive generator in slippy shoes down a place called Deep Dale. Like most things North of Watford, the clue is in the name regarding its accessibility. Once established on location, glueing a metal teabag over the actor’s genitals was a career highlight, and thankfully Mick Potter was there. His fingers playing a pivotal role in replicating firelight flicker against the cave wall. Nick is probably in Hollywood now making Cilit Bang commercials. Carney is scarred, but he got to work with an old favorite DOP, Jason Brown, so all's well that ends well, unless you don’t put another log on the fire…

Watch the videolightbox[lifestyle 320 180]Tale Of The Pooka::

Read 4168 times Last modified on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 17:04